Add VLC to Easy Launcher on an eeePC.

Tech Notes

These notes apply only to the last eeePC 701SD released. They do not apply to any other model. Update your eeePC using the built in updater. Its the icon with the three stackeed horizontal bars in your task bar. Update your eeePC using apt-get sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Add a debian repository to apt sources. sudo echo " lenny main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list Update and install VLC. sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc
Check that VLC is working and find out where it lives. /home/user> which vlc /usr/bin/vlc vlc Remove the debian repository (otherwise installing applications with apt will bork your eeePC). sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list Download and install Launcher tools wget
sudo dpkg -i altools_0.4.3.deb
Download the VLC icons from here to your home directory. [sorry i've lost the link]. Copy them to the Asus Launcher directory. sudo cp *vlc*.png /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/ Launch the Launcher editor. suieditor Create a new icon in the tab you prefer. The name can be VLC. The commands is the output of which vlc from above (probably /usr/bin/vlc). Set the icon set from the list. Then press 'Save Changes' and 'Reload AsusLauncher' and you're done.